Visit Silvercup Movie Studios: Largest Green Roof in NYC | RiverWired
Business & Innovation
Saving Energy Feb 11, 2008
Visit Silvercup Movie Studios: Largest Green Roof in NYC Simple Solution Can Lower Rooftop Temps by 100 Degrees!

Come take a look behind-the-scenes (or above them) at what one of the biggest movie studios east of Hollywood has done to its roof. SIlvercup Studios has built a no-frills green roof atop its Long Island City, NY, studio to keep things cool.

Did you know planting greenery on a roof can lower rooftop temperatures from the usual 185 degrees in summertime to as low as 85 to 90 degrees.

DIscover the anatomy of an urban green roof. And find out about valuable research being done about it. If New York City can add much needed green space to otherwise uninviting city landscapes, so can your city.


To find out more, visit: Earth Pledge, doing research on green roofs. And to see more on Silvercup Studios, check their site.


nice hostess! | tommyp | Jan 23rd, 2008

and its a very cool article.

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